Lawyer profile : Jenny Pradelles

Written on
3 June 2024

Jenny Pradelles joins Olivier Castellacci, a partner in the Nice office, in July 2021. She quickly got to grips with the various projects she was assigned. In January 2024, Jenny was promoted to Of Counsel, a new step that will enable her to play a greater role in the life of the Nice-based firm.


1/ How do you plan to use your new position as Of Counsel to make a greater contribution to the success of the firm and the satisfaction of your clients?

This promotion has enabled me to play an active role in the firm’s internal development and to have more freedom in the management of the cases assigned to me, which increases my productivity. I think this also reassures clients, who have before them a lawyer who has evolved and who enjoys the recognition of his firm.


2/ What, in your opinion, most distinguishes a lawyer ‘made in NMCG’ from an ordinary lawyer, and how do you seek to embody these distinctive qualities in your day-to-day practice?

At NMCG, we are committed to providing our clients with the best possible support and are always available to answer their questions, encourage them to assert their rights or support and reassure them when they find themselves in a delicate situation. My role as ‘advisor’ is rarely confined to the legal side of things, and on a day-to-day basis I try to listen carefully to what our clients need.


3/ Lawyers often have to show resilience in the face of adversity. Can you share an experience where you had to show resilience and how this strengthened your determination and ability to succeed?

Time is a lawyer’s most formidable adversary. Legal proceedings are taking longer and longer… for example, it takes 3/4 years (sometimes more) to go through an appeal procedure. This is difficult for both lawyers and clients. You have to remain constantly alert and sometimes adapt during the course of the procedure, for example by favouring a settlement or taking the necessary precautionary measures.


4/ Outside your legal practice, what are the experiences or moments that have had the greatest impact on you and helped shape your view of the world and your approach to life in general?

These are undoubtedly my journeys. Having had the chance to set foot on 4 of the 5 continents, I am enriched by other cultures and new experiences. I also studied at an international lycée. For me, it’s essential to keep an open and critical mind.


5/ How do you find the inspiration and motivation to continue to excel in your work, even when the challenges are many and the days are busy?

When cases pile up, I never forget that behind each one of them is a client for whom his or her case is unique and infinitely important. It’s an aspect of the job that you have to keep in mind, and one that allows you to always give your best, no matter what’s at stake.


6/ If you had the opportunity to live in a different time or place, where and when would you choose to live, and why?

I’ll probably choose to live in France, in the year 2200. Rather optimistic about the future, I have no doubt that we will then be living in a world where progress, both social and technological, will have contributed to making life more pleasant and fulfilling.


7/ The Paris 2024 Olympic Games will showcase many different sporting disciplines. Is there a particular discipline that you follow more than others?

I’m a big fan of international sporting competitions of all kinds, and I’m particularly fond of the Olympic Games. So I intend to follow most of the disciplines, especially those where we have a chance of medalling (with a slight preference for athletics, of course).


8/ The change of premises for the Nice office is a significant development. As a lawyer, what impact does having a good workspace have on your well-being, your productivity and your ability to provide a quality service to your clients?

I spend most of my time working, and except when I’m at a hearing or an expert assessment, I’m in my office. Lawyers need to be organised, focused and even, at times, creative. In the new offices, we’ll have a lot more space and we’ll also be more comfortable, as everything is currently being refurbished. Everyone at the firm is looking forward to the move to the new premises!

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